by Vasil KolevIn the morning I got a report that somebody hadn’t died, or has came back from the grave. Weird rumor… Maybe the gravediggers are responsible.
It’s not that good idea to drink rakia with people that can easily drink more than me, and are doing it (somewhat) slower. The food saved me… It’s normal not to be able to endure it, in my cousin’s company there was only one that was near my weight (not counting the two girls, but they didn’t drink a lot), the others were heavier.
I’ll send the laptop for maintenance, there is some problem with the power supply, when I move the jack of the power a bit, it turns off (it’s partially because I don’t have a battery…). It’s really annoying, thankfully there’s a journaling file system.
The resting is making me crazy, I feel the need to chew something while having nothing to do, and in the same time I feel really apathetic. In the end I’ll make a compromise with a fireplace, net, quietness and drinking (note: write a plan for the perfect place for living and working)… Another moment is that I have enough time to think about things that are in the background, because there’s nothing that I can do about them, and I keep teasing myself. I really don’t have enough things to do…
(and I’m reading 2-3 books in parallel, again)
I wrote a part of the lecture for Stara Zagora. Looks awful.
Because of some stupid reason my hands’ joints hurt from the cold. I should either look for gloves, or go to a medic (or maybe both). Right now instead of gloves I’m using the boxing bandages, but they lead to weirds looks from the other people (and don’t cover the whole hand).
Tomorrow I’m coming down from the mountains, Tuesday I’ll be back in Sofia. I’ll probably be happy to be back in that dirty city…
(don’t forget to run find /home/vasil -mtime -4 -type f to see what I’ve written in the last few days)
Definition for vacation: To disconnect the world from me, without me disconnecting from it.