2005-10-21 20:54

by Vasil Kolev

Media day … I went to Evrocom for the recording of e-Mell, the topic was the freedom in Internet and the related stuff (I intended to tell about this after the showing, but they’ll be repeating it later, and I’ll forget it all) (the other two guests were Dimiter Gantchev from BOL and Anton Andonov from mefiaforum). There was an interview with some idiot from the Novinar newspaper, who made a investigation about the bad people that went after small children over the Internet… I almost felt sorry for the guy, the nature has taken a lot from him …

I’m still happy that I don’t watch TV and don’t read newspapers, and hope that I was able to tell at least some useful things and to kick a bit the people that are trying to make us into a police state.

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