2005-11-28 05:26

by Vasil Kolev

Two days of rest and reading… I finished the fourth and fifth books on Harry Potter (and I intend to start with the sixth one directly in English, I’ll just have to find it somewhere), the books start to get deeper and more serious, but are really lighter that most of the stuff I’ve gotten used to.

Not to get too soft, Bobson gave me “Divi razkazi” (“Wild stories”) by Haitov, they’re turning to be pretty good, I might finish them before I go to sleep.

Last night we had a pancake party at Heth (who had committed the crime to forget to get cheese), which we added to two bottles of wine. I found out how long does it take me to make a Ubuntu useful for me to work (under 20 minutes) and there was some fun wrestling with Google (Heth’s cat :) ).

These days the spammers are getting smarter, I’ll probably have to reconfigure my filters.

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