2006-02-17 23:44

by Vasil Kolev

I was too heroic in the last few days…

It wasn’t an easy yesterday at work, I went there early and stayed up late to finish the update of a machine, after which at home I prepared alpha for putting a third NIC in it, to be able to connect to one more ISP. There were a lot of fun things to do, like running a serial console, cleaning the dust from PCI slots, etc.. In the end I have an unused TGA video card, which I have no idea what to use for…

In the morning I got up early and washed the dishes while waiting for the taxi (if I hadn’t done it, there wouldn’t be a second chance for a while, we’re having some repairs on a wall in the kitchen). Through the day I did some other fun stuff, of which the top was some iproute magic while barely being able to stay awake. Then I decided to take a short nap on the chair using the WTH hat to cover my eyes, but Voland kicked me and told me to sleep at home :)

At home it doesn’t seem that I’ll sleep soon, there’s some strange problem with the electricity, and we’re waiting for the electricity company people to show up…

I want to sleep……….

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