2006-05-01 00:16

by Vasil Kolev

It was a hard week…

Desync’s sister (Dobromira) turned out to have the chickenpox – probably someone else from the office is sick (in the end it turned out that I’ve gone through it already). I had caught a cold from Koprivshtica – for a few days I was speaking like a 50 years old smoker,a nd I had to attend an hour long conference call with a client, it was really funny.

So I slept through the Saturday and Sunday and did some more work in the evening (clock synchronisation, I should’ve done this a lot earlier, and some updates). I’m thinking about finding a way to work lying in the office (even the people don’t notice me so much under the desk and it’s a bit calmer :) ).

I’m thinking about moving next month because of a lot of stuff… Let’s just see where I’ll find enough boxes for the books.

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