2006-09-10 20:15

by Vasil Kolev

Sunday == laziness.

I tried cleaning up my ICQ contacts list… There was some progress, from 398 people it went to 300, but it’s starting to get weird where from have I found them :) Also it’s a bit bad, because the ICQ itself has a limit of 200 contacts – adding new is somewhat working, but for some reason the moving between groups is not. I wonder how can some more people be persuaded to switch to jabber…

Some whining – it’s a common mistake for most people to take one ntp server and use use it, without seeing it disappear later. I’ve seen ntp.fau.de, time.nist.gov (which still exists, but is far away) and in a cast at where I work – at.digsys.bg (which died recently) used. I have no idea why people don’t remember that there is pool.ntp.org, whose idea is not to drown one particular NTP server…
(which reminds me that I might enter marla or zver in pool.nto.org, because there still isn’t a Bulgarian server).

It’s also known that on the 20th I’m flying to L.A., on the 27th I’m flying back…

The reading of the Risks digest is going on slowly, but is full with fun pieces, one of which I just have to republish:

A comment on UNIX and C: Ken Thompson is one of the most brilliant designers and programmers ever to grace this earth. He developed UNIX and C primarily for his own pleasure. It is not HIS FAULT that UNIX is so widely used (e.g., because of its delightful facilities for program development and ease of adaptation), or — by extension — that it is used unwisely in hostile environments despite its not having addressed critical security concerns.

And Saturday on the anime meeting there was an interesting combination from a tape player on batteries, my laptop and one extremely weird converter from stereo jack to a tape – near the statue of the soviet army on the cubical thingy I was playing some interesting things, I even enlightened some people on what Tool is :)
(and the Piano tribute turned out to be horrible. The one playing it should be banned from touching a piano)

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