2006-11-07 23:03

by Vasil Kolev

I don’t just want to sleep anymore, I want to die, so nobody is able to wake me up.
(not that I’m sure in that)

Sunday after the drinks in Krivoto because of the closing of the OpenFest (where one girl was celebrating her birthday and me, chervarium and Guninski showed up how much crap we can say as a present (in the beginning Guninski said that the IT people weren’t that horrible, but changed his opinion after two hours :) ) ). After two beers and a good quantity of food (Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all marked by the fact that I was only able to eat in the evening) I went home…

After which I was up until 7 in the morning helping the people that were in the states with all the organizational problem. I went to bed and at 10:30 I was waken up to fix another problem and at 16 I went to work… I again stayed up until 04:00 to help and was awaken in the morning with another problem, and instead of explaining it to me, I was just asked something small and had to fix the consequences when I got in the office around 14…

Tomorrow I have to be in the city center around 10:00…

Someone find me a shovel, I’m thinking about taking my vacation next week.

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