2006-11-27 22:43

by Vasil Kolev

This is a funny story…

I was working quietly at home and decided to send an email to a customer which I forgot through the day (and because at some point I totally blocked), so I’m clicking ‘send’, and ‘mail.where-i-work.org connection refused’ gets displayed… I ask Voland if he’s doing something to it, but he’s not – so I try some other stuff and then I see that almost everything except port 80 is filtered, and tcptraceroute looks like this:

vasil@lyra:~$ tcptraceroute marla.ludost.net 22
Selected device eth1, address, port 44833 for outgoing packets
Tracing the path to marla.ludost.net ( on TCP port 22 (ssh), 30 hops max
 1  10.166 ms  1.297 ms  1.376 ms
 2  4.555 ms  3.457 ms  3.061 ms
 3  2.836 ms !p  3.225 ms !p  3.770 ms !p

So what now… I called megalan (good thing that they had their phone number on their site, and port 80 was open :) ), so I explained the situation to them and the exact result from the traceroute, so the guy after while told me – ok, we can’t see a problem on our side, and now we’re deep in one client renumbering and we’re really sorry, but can’t really pay a lot of attention to you… So I understood their pain, routed my traffic through the VPN I have to marla (which runs over UDP :) ), and I kept working :) But I can’t remember seeing this kind of filter, returning port unreachable :)

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