2006-12-22 00:20

by Vasil Kolev

I’m on vacation tomorrow.

The week almost killed me. A lot of work, a lot of tasks, a lot of messes to clean up, one of the nights I dreamed about Zoa canceling the moving of the office, and to top this all this night we did some of the left-over tasks on the servers, that had to be done after working hours… We were done at around 22:30 and went to the party of the Business park, where I drank two glasses of scotch (some people were done before that, a guy was taken out while we entered), looked around, and went home to sleep…
(and some girl with an yellow sweater bumped a few times in me, and then we met at the shop, where she was buying cigarettes and bumped again in me. It’s good that I don’t smoke :) ).

Tomorrow I have some small errands, but after that until the 27th I should have enough time to write the few things I’ve been trying to write since at least a week. If until Sunday there’s nothing – please swear at me to remind me :)

p.s. today I HATE the programmers. chervarium knows why.

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