2004-04-01 23:49

by Vasil Kolev

What a shame. Chorbadzhiyski was right, that you don’t write parts of the demonstration while you’re doing it, there are always problems… At today’s lecture there were so much fsckups with the demo of shell scripting problems, that we accomplished almost nothing… And we’re people that live in such shells – me, Pentchev, Bachvarov… SHAME!

There were some good things today … I made a few shots of spring Sofia, available here , and out project got approved, so me and chervaium will have a lot of work.

And I want to say, that I’m really annoyed by 1st of April, especially with the jokes that some people come with ( Zhoro Chorbadzhiyski was the worst ). Okay, some jokes are funny, but some people really go over the edge. I’m proud to say that I haven’t made fun of anyone the whole day (although at the lecture Zhoro insisted that we were lying to the students that we’re unable to write in shell script :) )

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