2004-04-02 23:43

by Vasil Kolev

The holidays are perfect to get some job done :)
(for everyone outside Bulgaria, today the country joined NATO)

I wrote two parts of the project, formatted them, drawn the schemes, and sent them to chervarium to look. All was good, but those were 2 of the easy parts, there still some really nasty moments :) But it’s funny :)
(and damn it, where can I find any good SLA in this country, looks like nobody writes such things… )
Also, I found out that openoffice could be used to get some job done, not only to read stupid .doc files… And something really important, it can export files in .pdf, so everyone can read them, not like the stupid microsoft formats…

Today, looking at my proof-of-existance shot in orkut (e.g. a picture of myself next to a monitor, which shows my profile in orkut), I discovered that this fscken winter I’ve gained at least 5 kilograms, and I don’t look too good, so I decided to do something about it…
I took my brother’s bar, which screws to any door frame, screwed it to mine, hung from it with upside-down, and started doing (damn, how’s the right translation for this?) lift-ups, but it was really inconvenient without someone to hold my legs, so I got the roommate to hold me. He asked if I had screwed the lost tight, and I said – yes, I just tested it. So, I got on it, he held my legs, I got up once, and fell with the bar…:) Good thing that god looks after the drunkards and absent-minded, and I’m still in the second group, so there weren’t any problems :)
(and another good thing was that it’s not first of April, nobody whould’ve believed me :) )

So now I’m screwing it better, and I’m doing a lot of my lift-ups on the bed, not hanging, so we’ll see… I think I should cut a bit on the eating, because after today I’m probably first in the list ‘Pigs to butcher for Christmas’…

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