2007-07-04 22:57
by Vasil KolevThe day was for a protest, but the fun stuff began before it :)
At some point savestrandja.hit.bg died, then just some dashes showed up, then it got erased, etc.. Pretty quick I was able to find who’s taking care of the site, made a vhost at marla, uploaded it and it got spread pretty fast. Then after some talks with people around hit.bg it was cleared that it wasn’t because o them (which would’ve been pretty weird, the people there have almost my opinion on reacting to political pushes), so I made the guy to change his passwords, etc..
(and I guess you won’t have any problems imagining me laughing maniacally while watching the traffic to the new site. And the mutra we have for a mayor of Sofia should think again before telling anyone next time what has to be removed from Internet and what kind of crap to speak of exactly – I understand that he’s going for Stalin’s image, but at least he needs the mustaches…)
(in fact, one of the main reasons to go was exactly Boyko’s reaction – such things must not be tolerated from nobody)
I went to the protest without the backpack, left it at the office – didn’t seem like a good idea to have my laptop with me if some shit happened (which I really expected, and carrying it through the police stations is a bad iedea). Arriving at the place was easy. I traveled with Dimiter Vasilev, and it turned out that in the same car was Tanya Djekova (she recognized me by one conversation on the phone with Peio on overthrowing the government :) ).
The protest itself went pretty well. Fully improvised, containing all kinds of people, some of them carrying their musical instruments, there all kinds of banners, some people lied like at a funeral, there was a lot of shouting (my throat somewhat died, thankfully it was trained at Balkandji’s concerts). At some point another bus of policemen came (I was one, but there might have been two, as I saw another wave of them), some girls were giving them flowers, it was just great …
And then on “Tzar Osvoboditel” from the direction of SU a great column of policemen, as far as the eye can see, started marching in our direction. Turned out that today it was the training parade for tomorrow’s holiday of the police (and that seems the reason that we saw two armored cars of the gendarmerie on the way to the protest…). In the first moment they were greeted with a loud boo-ing, which then went down, in the end those people aren’t (that much) responsible for what’s happening. On the other hand, it their minister had shown up, most probably he would be beaten and they would’ve watched from the side while smoklng…
There are also the news that there’s some positive movement on the case, and there’s the chance to fix Strandzha’s statute before it gets mangled, I hope this would happen. The good shouting really reminds you how bad the air in Sofia really is…
(these events have also a strong social effect, I met people that I haven’t seen for a long time :) )
I’m waiting for the photos from the event :)