What I hate in the state…

by Vasil Kolev

Let me tell you about the state I live in…

It’s like the comic, just not about my mother, but about the country. Today Seki asked me – what don’t you like in our state, and until I got a grip on myself, I was in a situation as in above…

And because it’s important for some things to be archived, I’ll write them here.

(clarification, I don’t hate the country, I hate the state)

Lets start from MVR (Ministry of Interior), our favourites. Delian has a good list about them, to which I can add another list, the slave trade and the case with the BBC journalists (looks like these people have lived their whole life doing blackmail).
Also important is to remember the parade they did, although they’re a demilitarized structure.

Let’s go on with MON (Ministry of the Education and Science) – the education in the universities right now is crap, engulfed in corruption, totally forgotten by most except a group of enthusiasts trying to do something and a group of leeches that’s using it to milk money from some programs and funds.
The high schools are even worse – there the ministry is directly responsible for the education plans, and when you look what’s in the textbooks you start to feel like vomiting.

DAITS (Government agency on the information technologies and messages) – the amount of crap done by them is hard to describe. Some examples are the idiocies for the .bg domain and the stuff about the open standards…

MOSV (Ministry of the Ecology and Water) – there will still be construction going in Strandzha, “only” on 1000dka. Their justification for this is laughable – that the projects “had passed in different stages of the approval…”. Not to mention their idling before the Strandzha protests.

The current mayor of Sofia (Boyko Borisov) and his PR campaign – something that I’m really tired of. His team is pushing a lot to have stuff written about him, to have his picture shown everywhere, etc., looks like he’s shooting to be the next premier-minister. His mutra-militioner like behaviour is evident in all the stuff that cames from him (trying to behave like the strict, but just ruler). I don’t really like living in an oligarch country, but we’re heading that way. On the problems of Sofia there can be written a lot – like closing roads and the whole center of the city for all kinds of bullshit, the problem with the garbage dumps, etc., but I don’t feel informed enough about this part.

The current parties and politicians of Bulgaria – there’s no other so pathetic group. I can’t think of even one of them, who could do anything useful and to take responsibility (instead when something happens, to try to get the glory for him/herself). A rout of jerks.

The organization of a lot of things – like the lack of a supported online resource (as the paper one is far harder) on the current laws and related – the only way is to have a subscription to one of the systems offered by different companies, which lag behind and are not really good.

A month ago one calculation showed that when you calculate the money I get and the ones the company pays for me for taxes, etc., the numbers are pretty close, with about 5% in my favour. It sickens me that these people get (so much) money from me, especially when I think where they’re going – in someone’s pockets and to pay the fines on the state, when someone sues if because of the next stupidity.

I can’t (and I maybe don’t want to) remember more stuff… If someone feels like it, go on and add :) I might post an updated version after a while.

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