2007-10-01 00:35
by Vasil KolevSeven work days in a row definitely did their damage. Yesterday evening after the final deployment and some problems that showed up I got really drunk with my favourite girl…
Which really helped, but tonight for some reason I started reading “Atlas shrugged” by Ayn Rand and something just broke. I have no idea how she managed to think up such characters, but I feel the urge to get some of them and beat them into a wall until the wall breaks…
So now my nerves are strained, I’m drinking cachaca and juggling with the 5kg weight to get a bit tired. Let’s see when I’m going to sleep :)
At moments like these I really understand how all this is my own fault :)
(I started writing notes on the possible lecture for openfest. Let’s see if something will come out of it.)