Kultur Shock in Sofia – 2008

by Vasil Kolev

Kultur Shock are grand.

The concert began with Balkandji and Cherno Ferede – it was nice (I hadn’t gone to a concert of theirs in a long time), they played a lot of well-known stuff which everybody sang (and which we even sing in the office from time to time :) ). After that Kultur Shock came on stage…

It was incredible. Great mosh, wonderful music, they gave themselves away, came out for three encores (one of them they did “Chai shukarie” and when they got off stage the crowd sang the refrain a few times before they came back). I’ll probably lack any voice tomorrow, but will have a muscle fever (if I don’t find my aspirin).

Also it should be noted that the Kultur Shock concerts show something that’s really lacking otherwise – the love between the Balkan nations. Everybody sang “Istanbul”, “Saraevo”, etc., even the company of macedonians that was next to me. The band itself is a demonstration of this – a Serbian, Bosnian and a Bulgarian at the same place …

(a side note – “blackbox” was not big enough. Can this be in a hall like “Hristo Botev” next time?)

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