some absent thoughts

by Vasil Kolev

It’s not normal to wake up at 3:10 and until 6-7 do drink all kinds of drugs for the headache to go away (at about 5 I had already decided that I can skip the sleep). Because of this I skipped work today, I did some stuff from home and slept, I’ll just go to FMI for the lecture.

We have a great drawing for the lecture today, that we did last night with Boyan (e.g. he was drawing, I was giving ideas). Leaving, I took back the keyboard that I had left there for a while, and remembered something that happened when I was in the 5th or 6th grade – I was walking in the ceter of Dobrich and saw a man that was carrying an old IZOT keyboard and half a bread – the expression “there’s no bread in this job” personified…

Also it was a bit weird for me to read this, after a talk I had with the mistress that if I wanted to have children, they’ll be 5 – to be able to create a (somewhat) self-supporting system …

The headaches and work aren’t good for me, last night Eneya remarked that my vocabulary sucks (and I find at some momenta that I can’t find the needed words).

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