2008-04-23/24 evil

by Vasil Kolev

(Zhilin got reprimanded that he’s paste-ing, not writing)

In the last few days I was under the influence of a lot of analgin, caffeine, nimesulide and lack of sleep (because the first and third weren’t working well), and also with a nice quantity of headaches. This definitely stopped me from writing, reading and doing almost anything…

After which this morning (after I missed work yesterday as I haven’t slept) my inner evil called, I drank a coffee, played Dimmu Borgir and got my self in the right mood – “and now I’ll be done with you all”…

Trapped inside to suffer in silence
Torn apart in mind and sense
Baptized in this nightly glamour-
Rites of splendid essence

(finished on the next day, as there was no time)

I even managed to do some work. I don’t know anything that makes me so angry as the idleness… And for the numerous time I got convinced that the thing that moves me and gives me powers in an inner evil – that can’t stand the stuff around and tries to change it, not really caring about anything (now that’s a perpetum mobile). Especially agitating and moving is for me to read the political news…

And this morning I got woken up with a problem and had no big issues (except the stupidity of the problem and that I found something new about one of our systems). Now I’m finishing the coffee and going to work…
(and if this nerve of mine keeps creating problems, it will be cut. I’ll buy chervarium a bottle of whisky – half for desinfection, the other half for him to stabilize his hands and will tell him – “cut here”…)

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