2008-08-09 two books by Palahniuk

by Vasil Kolev

People know Chuck Palahniuk as the author of “Fight Club”…

The last two books I read were written by him – “Snuff” and “Rant”. Both of them are told from the viewpoints of a few people, as the second one is something like a biography of a man, made of the interviews with different people. The first one tells about a porn-star, that has decided to sleep with 600 men and to make a new record, the second – about a mass murderer, working through spreading rabies…

Definitely “Rant” is the better one, with more elements and events, but in the end both deserve to be read. Palahniuk is not only a good story-teller, but also finishes his books in a right way…

And who knows, as “Fight club” started some such clubs, with “Rant” someone might decide to implement Party crashing…

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