2004-05-01 03:59

by Vasil Kolev

A short how-to on how to silence the voices in your head:

1) Find some good music (one example, just remove the mp3s that are talk-only, and listen, it’s incredible )
2) Take a headphone set (something good, that covers the whole ear), a good amplifier, and a good sound card
3) Tune your sound that it doesn’t go bad, but is as loud as possible.
4) Let the chosen playlist repeat, and do something that doesn’t require some serious intellectual efforts (like chatting in irc in some channel)
5) After some time, when you remove the headphones, your ears will really ring. In that moment the voices in your head would’ve come to an agreement that they can’t do anything, and should’ve gone to get some beer with the voices of someone else’s head.

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