2008-09-03 swamp water

by Vasil Kolev

The world is really small…

Today at IBB Peio brought me a present – a beer bottle full with something that I had to drink. I poured it in a cup, drank from it – turned out to be a water with a strange taste…

Turns out that it was a swamp water (well, from some lake) in Hamburg, sent by a girl-friend from an old time. I have no idea how Peio met her, but while drinking the bottle I remembered one such fun case, in which with her and another girl we drank two bottles of wine in the park in Dobrich, and then I went and filled one of those with water from the lake there and we drank that one too. After a few days that other girl asked “What was in that third bottle” and was a bit roused by my answer…

I remember also how I had told about the drinking of water from the Dobrich lake to a girlfriend I was going out with when I was in my first or second year in the university – she refused to kiss me for a few days afterwards…

Maybe it’s not that bad that all the stupidities I’ve done while younger are coming back :)

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