2008-10-12 week

by Vasil Kolev


It was a fun week, if you look at it from the side. Monday I overslept for my doctor’s appointment, managed to get up on time Wednesday, they sent me to another round of examinations (which, if turned positive, would mean that they had to cut my tonsils out, but weren’t) and started physiotherapy. This means that every morning I get electricity in my head, ultra-sound, and also get baked with a lamp.
I really don’t care if they plug me in the wall socket, if this fixes my neuralgia problems…

I needed to research sending binary sms-es, and found again that everything that’s telephony related is bungled, mangled and dates from the telegraph times. “You’re in a maze of twisty standards, all incompatible”.

I can’t fix my sleeping habits – today I was supposed to go to the protest, but overslept (and I even got some calls at that time), managed at some point to wake up, ate, finished reading Anathem and slept through the rest of the day (it hadn’t happened in a long time).

And about the protest I heard some things (my brother went there), but on that I’ll write separately, with the stuff about Bulgaria. I still don’t have the inspiration for that…

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