2008-10-24 debugging

by Vasil Kolev

I love debugging. On my grave (if I have one, I think I’ll donate my body to the medical faculty of the Sofia University) they might write exactly that (although some time ago chervarium found a weird meaning of “bugger” and turned out that debugger can be translated as “one that removes homosexuals”).
(and “bugger” was coming from Bulgarian/Bogomil, they were accused of homosexual practices and it left traces in the language, if you don’t believe me – check the notes at the end of this)

So today Velin called me at some point, offering me to go to dinner and drinks with him, iffi and Eli somewhere in Studentskig rad. I declined rather rude – I had to port a pretty big and weird piece of code from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4, and tsting it decided a specific environment – some of the problems I hit you couldn’t really simulate in my test setup (something should be done about this). I also found some new details about the API, which I definitely could live without.
(and I shouldn’t be given to write code. To patch – OK, but that’s it)

(And it’s wonderful that women are such strange creatures and there’s a lot to debug – otherwise I would find them boring and the sex maybe wouldn’t be that interesting…)

So in the end everything worked at about 20:00 (all tests passed, there were some weird looks from some colleagues while I was having a handset to each of my ears and going “Ommmmmmm” (because “allo” gets really old really fast)), drank a bit from the flat bottle that I carry with me and went happy home.

(Finished watching Coupling, the last episode is a bit too sentimental at the end, but the rest is great)
(Environments II turned out to be music that is useful background for work – this is a bit rare)

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