2008-11-01 Openfest 2008 – day 1
by Vasil KolevDay 1 of Openfest – 2008.
It was organized in the last possible moment, but turned out to be nice and quiet, and I was there mostly to see the people (and joined the LPI discussion). There was also a nice discussion on the eavesdropping, rights, etc., which was full of weird people, including chervarium (extremely drunk).
There was a lot of free beer, but I just got a Tullamore dew and it was drank (my tonsils aren’t ok yet).
Now we’re at Krivoto and I’m providing net through an ad-hoc network…
Tomorrow in place of the missing lectures at BSDCON I’m thinking to do a Q&A session – to see what people are interested in and for us to try to come with some answers. Let’s see who else can I get for the answering side :)