2008-12-10 IBB

by Vasil Kolev

(I definitely need to drink at IBB)

After today’s disputes on the topics of programming and languages (especially the part php vs python) I want to note the following really important thing that kills most of the meaning of the which-language-is-so-much-great-for-very-great-programmers:

(note, I’m an admin. a cynical, bitter, twisted person, which is thought to be (but it’s not proven) that’s a homo sapiens. nobody needs to take into account my opinion :) )

All code sucks. Doesn’t matter who wrote it, how great he/she is, etc., everything takes the same time to make, deploy and be made to work right. The programmers suck, their code too (maybe because they think of themselves as misunderstood artists and followers of Picasso) and to be made in the final working shape takes the same time iterations between development and tests.

All the IT is based on code which every mathematician with self respect would want to erase from his head with methyl.

Let’s go breed sheep. I at least won’t find a big difference…

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