2004-06-23 22:54

by Vasil Kolev

Damn it…

I hate the hot days, in which my brain melts…

Today I was at IBB, where Sasho Shopov told a joke, which I just have to publish here:
Which woman is a fairy?
The one that after sex turns into three friends and case of beer.
I ate tongue in butter, which was delicious, and had a upsetting effect on my stomach. In the moment I’m thinking which book to take, and to stay in the toilet for the night. I could get some paper and finish writing the things I have …

I’ve removed the authentication from ludost.net’s nagios, so everyone can easily watch it from everywhere. The extended info is working, there are a lot of machines described, aand I’m thinking about adding more. I’m also thinking about writing a configuration generator, with description of the network, so it can be portable to other places.

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