2004-07-22 00:34

by Vasil Kolev

Not really interesting day. With a bit of digging I found out where the water is paid, and went there. On the way back I bought a set of knives – until now we were with only one little knife, which even the cutting of the bread was a funny exercise…

The other thing I did almost all day was the presentation for the seminar – with Zhoro we were talking on ICQ, that it isn’t working out, so I went to his office. It took us about 4 hours to finish it, discuss it, clean it up, and for me to draw three (a bit ugly) schemes. It worked out well, I hope the people there to like it. I’m having some thoughts for the next seminar, to have something new, not a review or digging in some ready technology…

Followed IBB, where we with Zhoro were a little late. This time we were less people than usual, but as always there were enough topics to discuss (like hot peppers… Too bad it isn’t winter, I have some great ideas for hot brandy).

At home I finished reading one of the books (the one by R.A. Salvatore). Again nothing special, but helps you get to sleep…

Today I answered a mail about the network security course, what will be in it, etc, and sent a link to the things I’m writing about it now, if you want, take a look – I haven’t updated in a while, but next week I’m thinking about working on it seriously. Only the seminar has to pass…

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