2004-07-24 11:20
by Vasil KolevLast night there was some problem with the net connection, that’s why I haven’t blogged…
I found the washing in the Valyak’s block – it works until 21:00 in the evening, they washed it perfectly, and it’s near. I’ll use them until my washing machine comes.
The presentation for today’s lecture went through one more edition, looks pretty good… Last night I set up the laptop for the presentations – ISECA will be using it, too, with a presentation in Flash (which is a pretty stupid format, but it’s not made by me, and not presented by me, I won’t be the one laughed at). The laptop itself was at last updated to the current debian unstable, to kernel 2.4.26 (and the ACPI is finally working), and now I have to find bodies for the battery, and to replace them. And I’ll see when the fan will come…
I hope it doesn’t rain as yesterday, with the hails and stuff, so the people can come easily to the seminar.