2004-07-26 22:24

by Vasil Kolev

Lazy, nasty day, perfect for getting depressed.

Except for the additions in shame.ludost.net I did nothing… At some point I went out for a walk, it started raining, and I kept walking… I saw some anime maniacs, who had a meeting at Popa, we spoke a bit, and I walked some more and went home. On the way back I bought a small pot, back pepper, a bottle of brandy and a can of tomato juice.

Right now on the hot-plate there is a pot, half-full with brandy, with a spoon of honey, a bit of black and red pepper, and I’m waiting for it to boil… I’ll just have to put some salt in the tomato juice, because else it isn’t tasty enough.

Velin denies to drink, strange man he is, the heated brandy is an elixir, not alcohol…

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