2004-08-26 01:28

by Vasil Kolev

Deciding not to be sick feels better :)

Today Nedyalkov and me did some tests on the smartcard readers under linux (the kind that Information Services sell). Some things needed to be written in opencs, and a driver for the card, so it was impossible to use debian’s packages, and there was a lot of compiling… I hope in the end the patches to be released and accepted in opensc, so everyone here in Bulgaria to be able to use digital signatures.

IBB was good, we weren’t too much, but it was cool and nice in the basement of “Krivoto” (next time we’ll probably be there, too), I drank 4 amstels, and then went through “Divaka” with one of the admins of bTV (damn, I really don’t remember names) for a paunch soup, which had a good effect on me…

This vacation season sucks, everybody has hid somewhere…

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