2004-08-30 14:38

by Vasil Kolev

I’ve found that having correct information for the technical contact of a domain is a good thing – in the morning I got a call with the question why is marla.ludost.net scanning someone’s network on ports 3128 and 1080. It turned out that I’ve already replied to an email about this, but for some strange reason both MXes for the domain of the receiver were filtering me, and the mail wasn’t received.

In the end the problem was solved, and I have the feeling that some users in some company will be asked why are they using irc in their work time :) I find it interesting that in these times there are people, who log and check those things – with all those worms, scanner and stuff, that keep the background noise high, reading the log of the firewall and checking the reasons for some of the traffic is somewhat futile… Looking at marla’s logs, for the last 2 days it’s rejected connections on 1031 different ports, a 7142 lines log :) The thorough admin is Stoyan Genov (who seems familiar for some reason, but I really don’t remember faces and names …).

Because of this there is already a FAQ for marla, if someone has an idea what to add, write to me (seems that faq-o-matic was really easy to setup :) ).

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