2004-09-30 00:53

by Vasil Kolev

Through the day at the project we were fixing small things – schemes, documentation, some cables… A quiet, maddening work, a normal admin day :) I was thinking to go there at noon, but just before I was going to go, a storm came, and the street turned into a river.

At IBB there were a lot of people, we were discussing openfest (and we filled 2 tables at “Krivoto”), Pentchev and MIlen (schz) came to discuss the things about BSDCon and it’s integration with openfest – it has the potential to be great, but we’ll see… If it works, it will be cool, at least we’ll be able to create a great flamewar :)

I wen home from “Krivoto” with 7 tasks, and I did 6 of them (the last one was a translation to english of the FSA’s introduction, it looks awful, the translation and the original, it should be totally rewritten, but now’s not the time), and now I’m thinking about getting a lot of sleep… I might read a bit more of “Dead souls”, the book is good, but a bit slow.

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