2004-12-02 13:57
by Vasil KolevLast night I again felt too lazy to blog…
Through the day I worked a bit more on the howto, and in the evening I brought it to IBB. Some people had some remarks, on which I worked, but it’s really clear that I have a lot to add.
In the evening with Dani and Velin we watched “Die hard 3” (turned out that I hadn’t watched it, and the movie was pretty good).
In NANOG for second or third week there’s a discussion on IPv6 and the address and ASN allocations. Looking at it, we probably won’t see IPv6 soon, nobody likes the ideas that is has about routing (except the people that came with them).
Of course, life without crap won’t be the same – last night Screamer called me at some ungodly hour (I had forgotten to turn off the ringing) with some vague explanations and threats, which not only I didn’t understant (someone talked somebody about him, and he thinks that the someone is me), and only irritated me. How should one react to such SMS:
Mom4e ne me karai da te tyrsia i da se vidim na nepriatna sreshta
(Boy don’t make me look for you and to meet at an unpleasant meeting)
or to the similar messages in ICQ (not to speak about the tries to call me in 4 in the morning, which are probably against the law). I wonder if I should upload some logs with him, to be seen what a person he is.