2005-02-16 00:14

by Vasil Kolev

I slept through the day – the last 2-3 day took their toll. It also should be attributed to that I hung the punching bag for the first time in the last two weeks and punched it a lot – my air ran out a few times :)

There are 5 days left until the marla lecture – at linux-bg there’s article about the seminar, whomever wants to come, send the people a mail, they need to know how many people will be there.

Tomorrow I’ll be writing grades in the students’ books (looks like I’m the only one free for the task :) ), and the day after that – the anime lecture is waiting (it’s really good that I’m only a techie there). I hope that tomorrow I’ll finally be able to put UPS on zver.fsa, and next week will make the migration, because a lot of people want normal emails @fsa-bg.org.

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