2004-03-15 13:37
by Vasil KolevSo, that’s it… This morning something got to me after reading all the mail, and I decided that is was about time to move my blog to some safe place, where I can do whatever I want with it, like marla, where my homepage resides. I choose wordpress, the blog software that Peio uses, and hacked it a bit, so it has support for posting language , so I can post in english and in bulgarian – a bilingual blog (the links are in the left)
The fun part was the transfer of the old stuff from blogspot, for which I had to write a small proggie in C( why I don’t know perl, o why…), which can be seen here, and the people that use programming languages with built-in regular expressions cam laugh at me, and everyone, who has a blog at blogger, can use it to move out. It gets one parameter, the name of the file with the archive (which is avialable at something like http://krokodil.blogspot.com/2004_01_01_krokodil_archive.html), and generates sql queries for wordpress’ database (which can be modified easily).
I’ll translate all the old stuff and put it here, but it will take some time :)