2005-05-14 00:28

by Vasil Kolev

The day began with the payment of some bills, after which I went to FMI for the seminar (it wasn’t easy going around with this backpack). In the beginning there were a few problems – there wasn’t net in the hall (but there were cables, and we fixed the situation), we had to put some power strips, etc, but in the end we managed to begin only with 10 minutes delay.

The first lecture was by Grigor Gatchev, about the free (as in freedom) not only software (he said that if he has the time, he’ll give it in writing too) – it was really good and interesting (like all of his doings :) ). Then Peio spoke about the licenses and the different juridical problems in the software development (and made a pretty good lecture, a lot better than the last time at the linux-bg seminar). The seminar was concluded with Alexander Shopov’s lecture on the software patents – we didn’t have time for Kaloyan’s lecture on Subversions, we left it for the next such seminar.

I was doing small stuff most of the time, to manage to get the recording in the space I had – the files were savet at 1G pieces, I kept uploading them at the zver and encoding them in three parallel threads (and because of some confusion 5 minutes of Grigor’s lecture were lost, it was my fault). Right now the first two lectures are available at zver.fsa-bg.org/~vasil/seminar_13.05, the third one is being encoded in the moment, it’ll be uploaded by tomorrow.

The evening was finished with eating and drinking at Toronto (I haven’t had breakfast, and this helped a lot).

Something interesting to read – http://www.daemonology.net/papers/htt.pdf, using some of the weird points of the HyperThreading for sniffing the doings of another process. Stuff like this can make you hate the cryptography.

Today I got a mail that there’s a SQL injection in WordPress – that’s not exactly the case, I debugged the problem for half an hour and it turned out that it can’t create problems :) I have to migrate to the last version one of these days, there are a few XSSes…

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