2005-05-17 02:08

by Vasil Kolev

Have I mentioned how much I hate getting up early in the morning? I got up at 7:40, to be able to come to my senses and to be at Popa around 9, ready for adventures. There I met with Peio, Emerald, Juila and Desi from ISOC, and then in some way we got to NBU (which is someplace not really in Sofia), for Lessig’s first lecture.
(about the lectures themselves I won’t speak a lot, they were very good, and I knew most of the things. About the recordings – see below.)

At NBU the hall wasn’t really big, and got filled up at 2/3 – so early in the morning there weren’t a lot of students that wanted to attend. After the lecture I got to Divaka with Lina and Emerald, passing through Slaveykov (there weren’t any new interesting books) for lunch, and then home, for the downloading of the material to my machine for encoding.

Then we went to Chervenata kushta (“Red House”) for the next lecture (they have a really good hall, but it’s also smalls), and the lecture itself, followed by speedy transportation to TU (through the traffic jams) to the next lecture (we were only 5 minutes late). There the lecture included presenting open-culture.net by Yovko Lambrev and Antony Raijekov, a pretty interesting project that I hope will grow seriously.

After the lecture Yovko drove me home to start the downloading of the lecture from the camera, and then we went to an official dinner with Lessig at “The house with the clock” (a nice place, but not really my type, too polished, and the food wasn’t really diverse). We ate, drank, after which Lessig went to sleep, because he was beat (the jet lag can kill anobody). Me, Tony Raijekov and Zhoro Chorbadzhiyski followed Peio’s sick idea and went to Balkandji’s concert at Fans, where I danced a but, got really tired, and even got convinced to pass through Divaka on the way back for a beer.

I’m beat.

The recordings from the lectures will be uploaded at ludost.net/20050516lessig/ at some time tonight or tomorrow. Please don’t push me.

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