2005-07-17 19:08

by Vasil Kolev

Last night we did the tests of the whole system of servers and everything worked, what’s left is a strange problem with BTK and the behavior of their router to be fixed, which will happen Monday.

After that I went to hear Tortilla flat – turned out to be a pretty good group, although the stuff they played was a bit light for me (but in the end they did “Killing in the name of” :) ). I had a pretty good time, but Peio was again coming onto me – so I used Katya as a shield, and kept him away. I should do something about the plank… I went home on foot, got there around 4, and was able to sleep a bit.

Around 12 I managed to get up, get a quick shower, and to go with the other admin of the other project to the nice (and cold) big server room, to reinstall one machine. Everything went ok and was normal, excluding the moment with the temperature – I was carrying a polo-shirt, but the cold was blowing from the raised floor, and I was wearing sort trousers, so I got a bit cold – I had to treat myself with some whiskey after-wards…

Now I feel sleepy as hell, and intend to go to bed, although it’s only 8.

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