2005-08-30 01:40

by Vasil Kolev

I can’t sleep. Nerves. I’m drinking a bottle of Tcherga roze (something between white and red wine, what was the word?) (it can’t be red, it’s too weak). The wine itself has a nice aroma and taste. I wonder if I should send a bottle to Walter Belgers (from WTH) a bottle, he’s a guy that can appreciate it.

I upgraded:
vasil@doom:~$ uname -a
Linux doom 2.6.13 #26 Mon Aug 29 12:44:50 EEST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

About the site that’s going down tomorrow – I’ll just be reinstalling the machine it’s on, and because of idiotic problems I can’t move it before. I promise that nothing else will fall, and that I won’t do anything bad (the thing Velin wrote about the linguists is an bad speculation, I’ve never done something like this (well, there aren’t any witnesses and proofs :) ) ).

I did some work on the old site of OpenFest – now it’s visible as 2004.openfest.org, looks like I work best when I’m a bit (according to my own measurements) drunk and unable to sleep. I have no idea how I’m going to get up at 11, but who cares – life becomes boring without challenges.

It’s still hard for me to explain some people’s paranoia, who today whined a lot and asked me about who’s reading some lists and site, because this should’ve been just for the team, etc, and the team wasn’t defined. We’re working on a public project, on the principle that everything is public except some stuff, not the reverse. I’m thankful for such people, they show me that there are some humans worse than me.

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