2006-02-14 21:47

by Vasil Kolev

The last few days I was pretty absent-minded – two days in a row I managed to break something that required someone to go to the co-location some where far away to see what the problems are… I don’t know if it’s from the aulin or from too much sleep last week, but I’ve started making some pretty stupid mistakes, like giving the same IP address zone twice to different people…

And today drFrancky found the perfect way to deal with the spammers from D-something consulting – he just configured one of the PBXes to call them evey minute and tell them that he sells shovels and picks, and if they aren’t interested, to call a phone number …

We now have a punching bag in our office, and it helps a lot for relieving stress (but when we punch it hard, it can be heard in the whole building).

I’ve almost recovered from the tooth, there were some problems with the regrowing of the gums, but they were fixed and the holes plugged – I hope I’m done with all this once for all. I can eat normally (and I’m catching up with the missed last week :) ).

I watched the aired episodes of The IT Crowd, about which Peio had written in his blog – a pretty good series, worth seeing (although there isn’t a real sysadmin in it). It can be found on the torrents and the similars , not really hard :)

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