2004-03-19 23:30

by Vasil Kolev

Again a long day…

After reading the huge pile of mail that was accumulated, I started reading “American Gods”, but got nowhere – first there came the itch to write down my idea for a social network ( which can be found here , and is a bit unfinished), and then I found out that desync came back from Israel, and we went to get breakfast. He had an interesting stories to tell, like how half of the population there is from Russian origin :)

I continued to write the idea, and then went to Krivoto, where I met chervarium and AvatarBG, who just came back for a few weeks from Germany. For about 1-2 hours they managed to almost kill me with linguistic discussions, I’ve forgotten how long can they talk about similarities and differences between languages, the types of swears, or about oddities… Thank god, we spoke about other things, too :)

Looks like the social network is going to become a serious projects, not like some of my other ideas… It’s really interesting, and I can see how it can happen, without serious problems – the infrastructure is tested already, in pieces at different applications, the only thing left is to verify if they will combine right, which sounds really probable to me.

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