2006-05-16 21:39

by Vasil Kolev

The tiredness is a great blog-killer…

I moved Saturday. It wasn’t easy, especially when we went with the landlord to get some of the furniture from Bistrica (and the road there was just scary). I still haven’t put my books in the bookcase (the girlfriend really wants to take part in it, and I don’t have the time).

Sunday we had to do some work, but Zoa decided to take us to Plovdiv to drink some Belgian beer (there were some really interesting kinds, like one that was cherry-flavoured, sweet, great (according to him) to get a woman drunk). Then we went for a walk in the old city, and got home really late (so I didn’t get enough sleep).

Monday was normally horrible, Tuesday – too horrible (3 hours we fought with a network problem that was some mac address showing up at two places (it would’ve been found easier if there wasn’t one unmanaged switch)). Now I just want to sleep, and some people are sending me smses to introduce me to some girls…

And tomorrow I’ll be having a lecture.

Update: Because a lot of people asked – the place is called Belgian beer caffe and I can’t explain where it is, but the cab drivers know where it is :)

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