2006-08-12 11:34

by Vasil Kolev

I’m a bit foggy on details about what I did through the week.

The time is getting stretched for me, it seems like it has been two weeks instead of one :) I mostly was taking care of the stabilising of the project from last week (there were some more things to be fixed, we’ll be finishing it next week) and writing a plan for the movement of the servers of a client, because of who I’ll have to go again to Los Angeles.

I don’t feel really good about the flight, looking at the last crap about the restrictions on what you can take on board, and I have no idea what other bullshit will they think of in the next 1-2 weeks… I’m starting to wonder if it won’t be easier to go there on a ship, but have no idea how long will that take :)

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