2006-09-14 02:46

by Vasil Kolev

Today we celebrated chervarium’s birthday (who has grown enough :) ).

We gathered in Krivoto at the normal IBB with a lot of drinking and celebrations… Half of the company showed up, we drank, chervarium was DJ-ing a bit, then I did that, then we danced/got crazy a bit (I haven’t done this since Boyan’s wedding, I got out of air (they haven’t given me the photos from last time too)) at “Neva ceng I harbe”, and it was extremely fun…
(my legs will hurt, let’s see about the other parts of the body)

I went home with Delian, with who I spoke for 3-4 hours on thousands of topics while staying near the block – I felt somewhat guilty for keeping him awake for so long (but was incredibly interesting).

Let’s see who’ll be able to get to work today/tomorrow…

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