
by Vasil Kolev

The first lecture in the Network Security for the semester…

It went somewhat well, e.g. not too bad. I found out that I’ve forgotten how to talk in front of people, Nedyalkov called the p2p protocols point-to-point protocols (compensating for Penchev, who some time ago was translating PPP as a peer-to-peer protocol :) ), but we explained what was needed, and Thursday the whole thing starts. I managed to have the site running through the day, now there’s the thing with the faculty numbers and the migration of the materials from the old site, which shouldn’t take a lot.

I found out that my head is not performing well in the last few month. I’m seeing how I can’t put some order in my thoughts when talking on some topics, that I lose some thoughts, and even stutter… Looks like I need to relax and start working on some quiet research – I have a lecture to prepare for the Stara Zagora seminar this year (it’s its 10th year, we need to put some more into it :) ), and I have some pretty interesting ideas, I want to be able to sort/order my ideas and the lecture to be right, not like the last one at OpenFest.
(it can’t go on any more, I’ve started getting annoyed from myself – I can’t have a proper conversation, I just annoy the people around me)

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