2007-07-09 23:17

by Vasil Kolev

The new week started…

I found that I’m definitely not reading with the speed that I’m buying books with. I have the feeling that around books I’m like a vampire around blood donations… The last thing I bought (Saturday) were 1,2,3, and 5th volumes of Stalin’s complete works (it’s worthy to understand one of the greatest butchers in human history, if only to guard against new ones).

I finally found the DVD from the concert of Revyu/Upsurt/Hipodil (Yo-po-po-po-po-po-po ala-bala! :) ).

Stalin’s books provoked a very interesting conversation at Slaveykov with Svetla – seems like that what you can find in the literature for the period between 1944 and 1989 is really softened… This is visible in collections like “The History, Inhabited by People” – most people have softened their memories or don’t feel like talking about some stuff, and there are some really scary stories of people who just couldn’t keep it inside. I asked Svetla if she wants to tell what she had lived through, and the answer was “I don’t want to go back there!”…

In the comments around my previous posts someone had written how Georgi Markov was “just propaganda”… I’m thinking that the best answer is http://www.nbu.bg/historyproject/. In fact, there’s enough literatyre on the topic and a lot of people, who remember what it was then. And you can’t really open the eyes of someone, who refuses to see… As Solzhenitsyn says in the GULAG Archipelago (probably he’s propaganda too :) ), people don’t want to open old wounds, to remember what it was, it’s past – just that if we forget it, we’ll repeat it…

My writing seems especially bad today, I have some ideas and nothing good goes out. Especially on how our state (and most of the world) are walking into being police states – our idiot have started pushing the idea absolutely all earnings to have to be declared, to be able to make financial dossiers of them, some other are trying to make voting compulsory, and about the crap about Strandzha and the national parks as whole I don’t really feel like talking about, the only stuff that comes to mind is mostly recipes for napalm… I also laughed almost to tears how at an English airport James Hefield (Metallica’s vocalist) got detained, because he had a beard and was looking like a taliban (I’m looking more like a taliban than him, but whatever), and I’m really wondering if the drugs are taking are really bad, or the ones that the rest of the world is taking.

It’s about time to start writing some stuff on the topic of “Civil disobedience”…

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