2007-09-01 23:40

by Vasil Kolev

Today there was the anime meeting, I went there despite the rain. We ate, drank and I decided to go home on foot…

I was walking on foot through the Boris’s garden and I felt sorry for all the photographers. The sight of the lake with the
lilies with the lightnings around is just un-photoable, as is the fog from the fumes… Not to mention the whole feeling to go from Eagles’ bridge to Mussangenitsa naked to the waist while it’s raining and lightning…

Definitely the guy at the non-stop shop near us has gotten used to everything. He was full calm when I asked him about the price of a can of a beer being naked to the waist, drunk, smelly and had passed through the weird paths around KAT and the insane asylum :)

(I also found the band “Leningrad” with their vocalist Shnurov… Mamba, Mamha, Khuyamba :) (lookup “khuy” in the dictionary ) )

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