2007-09-24 23:05

by Vasil Kolev

I feel antisocial again, after work instead of going a concert I found better to drop around 4th kilometer, to get one beer and to drink it on the way home. I’m finding interesting things in my head…

I made a twitter account. If it behaves well, I’ll start using that instead of the twitter rss-es in swamp.ludost – they get updated too slow and don’t fit the rest. Being not smart enough to learn from others’ mistakes, I try to learn from mine (on the second try) – information that differs in volume, frequency of updates, signal-to-noise ratio shouldn’t be put together. The swamp I’ll leave for blogs only, I’ll do something else for the twitters, looks like the news sites I’ll visit separately as the signal-to-noise ratio varies too much.

I made last night two photos of what I keep next to my bed. The conclusions are 1) I need to get a good camera (the first picture is far worse than it was), 2) I need to get a new bottle of tequila as this is almost finished, 3) I need a new lamp as this doesn’t work that well.

The GULAG Archipelago was uploaded online in Bulgarian and I’m re-reading it (in parallel with The Big U).

I wonder if I should try giving a lecture on “Why VoIP sucks and why it will win in the end”. I’ll need to think a bit more on it, there are a lot of weird moments in it.

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