The ultimate ranking!

by Vasil Kolev

A few rankings of the blogs showed up, so I decided to post one of mine – the ranking that will beat all others (and will be ranked first in the raking of the rankings, they’re about 5 at the moment).

It’s based on the following things:
1) A list of the Bulgarian blogs, a bit cut (taken from Valery Dachev, the original one was about 7000 entries, now it’s about 300, in which someone has written lately).
2) It gets updated every two minutes.
3) It’s based on a very complex function, used by programmers for solving extremely difficult provlems (always surrounded by commends like “XXXX don’t touch/don’t look”, by cryptographers and some other great men. The Rand() function.

Why my ranking is the best?

Because it’s updated every two minutes and there’s always the chance that your blog will be first, and the ones of the people you don’t like are last. What more could you want?

And here it is.

(start commenting, you hordes of people without sense of humor :) )

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