
by Vasil Kolev

Sometimes I wonder if “let’s see if we can get away with this” is some kind of national disease…

Silvina Georgieva got sent a letter by some not-so-smart people from Sellinet (pages 1, 2 and 3), to remove from her site some stuff that she wrote about them, because they were illegal, etc.. Not only that there’s no law that matches the stuff she wrote, but also the letter has glaring errors, I’m really glad I have nothing to do with these people…

So people fro Sellinet, you’ll be doing yourself a great favour to break the hands of the person who wrote the letter. After the reactions that I’m reading (Bogomil, Yovko, Peio, Yassen), I don’t see anyone that has a choice to use your services – not only your services aren’t good and you’re threatening your own customers, but even that you’re pretty bad at…

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