2008-01-16 14:27

by Vasil Kolev

Last night I destroyed a piece of history – I reinstalled my home workstation…

The machine was a Debian install from about 1998 (can’t remember if it was either Hamm or Slink), which from then on until now was only upgraded (I think that after woody I went directly to unstable). While backing some stuff up I saw what was currently installed and let’s say that it was pretty obvious that I had used it for all kinds of experiments…
(It went through three motherboards and probably 5-6 hard drives)

Reinstalling it with ubuntu had its small problems, because 1) the network card didn’t have a boot ROM and had to take one from another machine, 2) when I had changed the router I went from dhcpd2 to dhcpd3, in which the next-server option is not on by default and had to add it and 3) the root partition was only 1GB, which is not enough for the full desktop installation, so I had to do a base install and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (after I activated the LVM).
(and this whole thing I did because I decided to put the NVidia I bought a few months ago, then decided to install compiz and xgl and found that the later was not available in Debian).

And because I seem to have missed mentioning it – my router at home is a new small box that I bought, the alpha got retired. Let’s see when I’ll start playing with OpenVMS…

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